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Statistics for upcoming matches

lefaek 3 years ago in Match 0

Image 2818

Statistics for a football match is the most important thing that a user checks. It would be great if we can add more statistics for an upcoming match like the picture above. 

I also saw in premium template files the standings file have also home wins/goals, away wins/goals etc but i cannot use it. I can only use the standart (free version) standings


Home and Guest Fans Table

Daniel 4 years ago in Match updated 4 years ago 0

I have an Idea. Maybe it´s possible an Table for Home and guest fans. 

Here is an example Link: https://www.fussballmafia.de/auswaertsfahrer/spieltag/3-liga/2019-2020/27-spieltag/


It´s a very nice feature. 


Compare positiongraph

Hans Petter 4 years ago in Match 0

In matchpreview a graph comparing both teams graph with positions through season. (See example)

Image 1441


Match title generation rules with placeholders

Artur 5 years ago in Match updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 10 months ago 10

Add option to generate match title according to user defined rules with placeholders.

For example:

%team_a% - %team_b% %scores% - %competition% - %kickoff%


Предлагаю сделать "настройку" title в матчах. Например, сейчас тайтл по умолчанию состоит из: (клуб1) (клуб2). 

Было бы здорово, если бы тайтл можно было сконфигурировать на: (клуб1) - (клуб2) (дата матча).

Думаю, что для многих будет актуальна данная функция. 


Merge commentary

Jarosław Kosmatka 9 months ago in Match 0

I need the ability to merge comments added by the author with these events retrieved from the API.

Searching answer

How can i create a next match shortcode

Dylan 1 year ago in Match updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 1 year ago 2

Hey guys, I'm a little stuck with shortcodes.

My idea is to create a shortcode for the next upcoming match of the premier league of any team. When I do create a shortcode it asks me for the club ID which forces me to filter a specific club, and that's not what I am looking for. I want the latest upcoming match to be displayed of whatever teams are playing.  I want the next fixture to be displayed of the latest upcoming match without having to update it every time. Can someone please assist me with this issue?


Show Predictions like on Prematch Fixtures also on finished Matches

Frank S 1 year ago in Match updated by GaspareNet 1 year ago 1

Can you enable Predictions info to show below finished Matches like it is for the Prematch Fixtures. In best case also below Live Matches.

Image 6368


Translation of the predictions

Petar Konstantinov 3 years ago in Match updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 years ago 3

How could we translate the predictions of the games? 

Under review

Own goal icon

Dragos Stefanache 3 years ago in Match updated 3 years ago 2

Hi Andrei,

I think it would be better if the own goal is represented at scoreboard-match by a dedicated icon with the little letter O inside (like P for penalty), with a red color. Also it would be nice to have the possibility to translate it (for example A in Romanian).




Пользовательская кнопка в матче

Саша 3 years ago in Match updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 3 years ago 1

Андрей, здравствуйте! Не могу понять что значат эти поля в матче: http://joxi.ru/l2ZVDEWSzd8y52

Также искал возможность добавить в матч блок для ссылок на видео или текстовые трансляции, но так и не нашел подходящего, как пример: http://joxi.ru/a2XePE5HwvykYA
Пользовательский код будет не очень удобным.
Буду благодарен за ответ и совет.