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Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.


Full Name field for coach/referee view

burylu3 1 year ago in Settings updated by GaspareNet 1 year ago 3

Please update details view for coaches and referees as the player view. 

When we create player/coach/referee we have different views

Image 6606

Image 6607

Image 6608

And after creating we have default info for coach without "Full Name"

Image 6603

default info for referee without "Full Name"

Image 6604

but default info for player contains standard field "Full Name"

Image 6602

Please add also possibility for batch importing "Full Name" field (for coaches and referees)



Changing the season causes a change of media (player photo, team photo, club logo)

burylu3 2 years ago in Settings 0
Is it possible to introduce into the application the possibility that the change of the season causes a change of media (player photo, team photo, club logo)?

Where can I put license key?

Marcelo Herondino Cardoso 1 month ago in Settings updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 1 month ago 2

Sorry for the basic question. I was using the free version of the plugin. So, I bought the PRO version, uninstalled the free version and installed the PRO, but I don't know where I can enter the license key.



Có thể cấp tài khoản để nhiều người nhập thông tin của 1 giải đấu không?

Lê Công Quân 4 months ago in Settings updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 months ago 1

Tôi muốn tạo 1 trang web mà ở đó tôi cấp tài khoản cho 1 người tạm gọi là A sẽ là người quản lý 1 giải đấu (có thể tạo nhiều giải đấu), A sẽ phân quyền cho B, C, D ... là những cập nhật thông tin giải đấu: Tỉ số, diễn đàn trận đấu ...

Plugin này có phù hợp để làm điều đó không?

Trân trọng cảm ơn!


How to change "player", "competition", "match" etc in URL

Danny 4 months ago in Settings updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 months ago 1

I'd need the part of the URL before the slug where it's "player", "competition", "match" etc changed to the language of my website.

So instead of "player" I'd need "spieler" etc

Is there any way to do that?

Thanks in advance :) 


More informations for images in gallery

burylu3 1 year ago in Settings updated 1 year ago 0

Could you add information and description for pictures in player/club gallery? I'd like use these title/information for info about changes team for player during career, players on team photo for every season, information for period club logos during club history etc.

Image 6213

Image 6214


How to add a new language?

mullu 2 years ago in Settings updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 years ago 1

I want to add Thai language, and I can translate it. How to add a new language?


Problem mit der Spiele-Funktion

Niklas 2 years ago in Settings updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 years ago 1

Seit längerer Zeit ist es bei mir nicht mehr möglich Spiele zu erstellen. Das zeigt sich unter anderem dadurch, dass ich nicht einmal mehr einen Namen eingeben kann und ich nach der Auswahl von Teams und Saison nicht mehr weitergeleitet werde. Das Spiel wird daraufhin automatisch als Entwurf gespeichert.


Tables in database

AParent 2 years ago in Settings updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 years ago 1


I want to find the tables of anwp plugin in the database.

I use PhpMyAdmin and I fond only 3 tables with anwp in the name.

Is- it possible to konow where are the other tables?


design options

rickvdvulkaan 2 years ago in Settings updated by Alfonso Cobo 2 years ago 1


I'm trying out this wonderful plugin, and so far i'm making a lot of progress in creating a website where our members can view the latest match results, schedules, and standings. And although it looks pretty clean out of the box, i do wish to have a little creativity in setting up a somewhat more personalized design. Especially on the mobile phone, i find the match results a little too big for my tasting.  For example, if a match resulted in 5-3, these numbers are displayed inside a ''box'', which is pretty big compared to the team names. I couldn't find a way to adjust these proportions to my liking. Am i overlooking something or is this just the way it is?