Welcome to Football Leagues Plugin Community

Join our community to ask questions , submit an idea , vote for the features you like or report a bug  

Rules in short:
Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.


Biggest results i league

Hans Petter 4 years ago in Competition 0

A stat showing highest home win, highest away win and the game with most goals in current league. See example:

Image 1444


Sub-Categories for Leagues / Advanced use of Countries

Sebastian J. 5 years ago in Competition updated 5 years ago 3

It might be nice to also have subcategories in the leagues.


So you could create leagues for different areas and then would have a better overview.

As an an example:

Playstation 4

-> 1st League


-> 1st League

-> FUT 1on1 league

Now, for a better overview, the leagues always have to be labeled 1st League PS4

Excuse my english but i hope you understand what i mean.


Competition ID is not set

fuivmonopolly 5 months ago in Competition updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 5 months ago 1

I'm using visual editor to display competition header on top of my page but I get this text "Competition ID is not set"

How do I set competition id?

Not a bug

Not all matches was imported

Mirek 6 months ago in Competition updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 6 months ago 2

Hi Im importing the UEFA Nations League season 2022 but not all matches were imported. Only for 2022 year. 
When i run validate 

Image 7676


Match Results In Multistage

Bas Jansen van Rosendaal 7 months ago in Competition updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 7 months ago 4


i have a problem i created matches results which have already been played but they dont show up in my competition see images.

Image 7532

Image 7533

Дополнительный формат сезона

Саша 8 months ago in Competition updated 8 months ago 0

Андрей, приветствую!

Возник следующий вопрос и предложение. На текущий момент у меня есть возможность создавать и выбирать текущий сезон. Стандартно это выглядит, как 2023/2024 или 2023-2024. Но есть турниры, сезон которых проходит в один календарный год и стандартный формат им не подходит, так как в определенный момент, когда мы переключаемся на новый сезон, эти турниры остаются в прошлом. Соответственно, страницы клубов и игроков становятся пустыми, хотя на самом деле сезон у них продолжается.

Примеры таких лиг: МЛС, Казахстан, Узбекистан, Беларусь и многие другие.

Я предлагаю добавить возможность создавать отдельный сезон, согласно календарному году и создавая такой турнир выбирать именно календарный год, а не классический сезон.

Возможно, немного сумбурно обьяснил)

С уважением.


how do i set up world cup game with all stages

Joana 8 months ago in Competition updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 8 months ago 1

Conditional code to use in Layout Builder

Niko 9 months ago in Competition updated 9 months ago 2

There is a way/code that I can use in Layout Builder to show different text according to %leaguecoutry% or %competition id% using text block type?

- I add a text block type in my layout builder
- If league_country == Italy = show Italian Message
- else if league_country == England = show english message

- and so on...

There is a similar functionality for SEO: 
[IF%league_country%] your conditional content [ENDIF%league_country%]




Remove Wordpress sidebar from AnWP pages

Niko 9 months ago in Competition updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 9 months ago 1

Hi all, how I do remove theme sidebar from all AnWP pages?

If I use default theme settings the sidebar is removed from all blog post, but I want to removed it only from AnWP pages (club,competition,match,player,stadium).


Image 7238


Competition Standings

Alberto 10 months ago in Competition updated by amirsfc 10 months ago 2

Hi, I'm having problems showing the competition standings and brackets.

I generated a tournament with group stage and playoffs, but I don't know how to show the standings.  All it shows is the headers, and nothing elsescreenshot