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Not a bug

Cannot connect API Competition with Local Competition

ruslan 1 year ago in Competition updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 1 year ago 3

Good afternoon!

I have a problem as I cannot connect API Competition with Local Competition due to some bug. 

Below you can see a screenshot attached.

There is no option to choose a Local competion (but it was created it a Competitions part). Insted of it, there is some fake "-Season:".

Also the API cannot upload logos for all tournaments (club logos are uploaded succesfully).

Image 6714



KDT 1 year ago in Competition 0

Hi team, it is possible to have the Layout Builder for [Competition Multistage] to apply to multiple leagues?

The reason is that, I am trying to customise the layout for leagues. Some of them like Premiership and La Liga. They are single stage competition so i can apply the [Competition - round robin] layout to all leagues which have only single stage.

For multistage leagues, e.g. Bundesliga and Ligue 1..etc, I can only customise the layout by using [Competition Multistage]. The problem is that, it can only apply by specifying a single League (as shown in the screenshot). That means I would need to clone the same layout to all the leagues I have (I have created 20+ leagues). If ever I need to add or modify the layout, I would need to do 20+ times. Please share if there is easier way to do that. Thanks.

Image 6441


African Nations Championship

alex54 1 year ago in Competition 0

hello  please for African Nations Championship there are just 3 stage groups not 4

so it must be update.

Best Regards


please how to change it please

mohamed ali 1 year ago in Competition updated 1 year ago 6

Image 6109

hello how to change the logo please 

best regards

Searching answer

How can I re-enter the data from scratch when I have deleted all the Competion information?

KelVin 1 year ago in Competition updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 1 year ago 1

How can I re-enter the data from scratch when I have deleted all the Competion information? I need UEFA Europa League like African Nations Championship ...

Image 6095

Searching answer

Please help! What wrong with it?

KelVin 1 year ago in Competition updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 1 year ago 2

Bug clone competition

GaspareNet 2 years ago in Competition updated 10 months ago 3

When I clone a competition the image is not cloned
See https://gaspare.net/bug-clone-competition.mp4
Sorry for the low quality of the video

Searching answer

Import competition (No API)

GaspareNet 2 years ago in Competition updated 2 years ago 2

I have an archive with many leagues from the last 10 years.

They are all classic Italian championships.

Do I have to create or clone every single competition via the Add New Competition menu?


Can I insert them via a csv file or query using phpmyadmin?

Even the insertion of his / her parents is there a way to use the club external ID to do the insertion?


Aneto theme

David Stevens 2 years ago in Competition updated 2 years ago 2

Do we get support here for the Aneto theme? As I've asked a question on the theme page but have had no reply.


Bundesliga logo not showing in competition header

David Stevens 2 years ago in Competition updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 years ago 3

As the title says, it is the only logo, so far, that does not show in the header

