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Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.


Видео для игроков и клубов

Саша 2 years ago in Player 0

Андрей, здравствуйте. 
Можно ли добавить возможность добавления видео для клубов и игроков? 


Player transfers

nick tsiantakis 3 years ago in Player 0

is it possible for the season to appear in every transfer?

Image 2558

Under review

More player information

Jobs4 football 4 years ago in Player updated by Noman 3 years ago 3

It would be good to have more general player options

Foot - left, right, both

2nd nationality

Other positions they can play

It would also be good if positions were broken down more so under defender there was right back, left back and center back option. Midfielder has left winger, right winger, holding midfielder and attacking midfielder



Stats on managers

Hans Petter 4 years ago in Player 0

Stats on managerprofile (staff), showing career of the manager. How many matches the manager has been in charge of, how many victories, draws and losses (like the stats shown on playerprofiles).


Clean Sheets

Football Statto 4 years ago in Player 0

Is it possible to have a shortcode to display the keepers with most clean sheets in the season?

Searching answer

Scorers table show two teams for one player (own goal)

QiQQo 6 months ago in Player updated 5 months ago 5

Image 7866

Hello, a single player happens to be associated with two differents teams in the scorers table, maybe because he scored an own goal in favour of the second team (his actual team is Giovani Astigiani). Is there a way to get rid of the second team? We just need to show the players' teams, not also the teams they scored own goals for. If the same player scores another own goal against another team, the table will show 3 different teams for one player! Please we don't care about that information.


Можно сделать после выбора (покинул клуб), автоматический исчез клуб с карточки игрока

Bora 9 months ago in Player 0

Здравствуйте Андрей! После ухода игрока с клуба все равно остается текущий клуб на карточке игрока. Можно сделать после выбора (покинул клуб), автоматический исчез клуб с карточки игрока

Image 7344

Image 7345

Image 7346

Image 7347


Conceeded goals doesn't count

Hans Petter 10 months ago in Player updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 10 months ago 1

If I register a goal scored for a team with no name or minute, the conceeded goals for the opposite goalkeeper doesn't change, and he ends up registered with a clean sheet. Is it possible to get an option change this so my goalkeeper-stats is more correclty? In lower divisions sometimes I do not get time when goal is scored.


Untranslated player role

GaspareNet 3 years ago in Player updated 3 years ago 4

Image 3147

The letter of the role is not translated into Italian


Creation of players/coaches

peuplevert 4 years ago in Player updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago 1

I have a problem :

- I create a player

- I attach it to the club

- Impossible for me to see it in the list of players to add it to a formation

I have the same problem with the coach: he is created and attached to a club, but it is impossible to select him in the "match".