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Rate for players

peuplevert 4 years ago in Player updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago 1

Would it be possible to create a module to give a rate (out of 5 or 10) to players after each match and to publish a ranking of players according to their rates over the course of the season?


Import players from another website

Sebastian J. 4 years ago in Player updated 4 years ago 4


As you can see from my suggestions, I would like to use the script for a league page.

For the game FIFA.

At the moment I'm copying the players over the page: https://wefut.com/player-database

I first copy this into Excel and then I format it so that I can import it using the script.

Isn't there a way to get this directly into the script via the page?

Since one or the other also has a league, this would be interesting for several users.

There are also other database pages for FIFA.







I have found this but thats in Phyton:



Transfers with your own logo

silral 4 years ago in Player 0

I would like to have a field for transfers where I can enter my own logo of the club (either by uploading or using my own media) if I don't have the club among my competitions. It doesn't look good when it says "without a club". Would that be possible?


date of birth

Football Statto 4 years ago in Player updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago 2

Is it possible to run a cron show site would show all players with birthdates on the current day?


Búsqueda de jugadores por fecha de nacimiento

Roberto Luis Mauro 2 months ago in Player 0

Buenos días Andrei, por favor verificar la posibilidad que los seguidores de la web, busquen un jugador o técnico por fecha de nacimiento o rango de fechas. Por ejemplo, si quieren encontrar algún jugador categoría 1/6/2006, si hay alguna forma de mostrar a todos los que sean de esa fecha o año.
Sería algo como un calendario y cuando un usuario selecciona una fecha, aparecen los que cumplen año en esa fecha.


Top Scorer

silral 2 months ago in Player updated 2 months ago 0

When scoring scorer points, a player's goals and assists are added together. Would something like this be implemented?


Feature request: Detailed player data (shots, passes etc.) on Player Page

Danny 4 months ago in Player 0
One more feature request from my side:

Right now you can only add the 'basic' player statistics to a player page (appearances, goals, assists, cards etc.)

Just as you can see in this screenshot for example:

Image 8091

What would be perfect is the option of also adding the player's detailed statistics over a whole season.

At the moment you can export such statistics on the page for a single match, just like here:

Image 8092

It would be perfect if these extended stats could also be added to the player's page, just like it's possible with the 'basic' stats.

Also here it'd be ideal if the extended data is available per season, as this makes more sense than over his entire career.

And the addon to this idea:

Widgets to use on the competition pages - for example "Top-10 players regarding shots on goal", "Top-10 dribblers" etc. - and of course "Top ratings" for each season of a league.


Card Statistics

scefl 6 months ago in Player updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 6 months ago 1

In player statistics is it possible to remove the column for Yellow and Red cards as I do not receive this information?

Image 7796

Will be answered

Hiow to get all tthe transfers data

Mirek 8 months ago in Player updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 8 months ago 3

Hi i have player  J.Madingu (J.Madingu (sporten.com)) as you can see I have only few transfers. But on the side Exauce Madingu - Player profile 2023 | Transfermarkt we have much more. 
To get all transfers should I import all the leagues. ?


Add players to squad

burkezg 8 months ago in Player updated 8 months ago 2

Is there a faster way to add players to squad? If I have 200 players I need to click each player. And I have more than 100 clubs so I can click 5 days only to add players....