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Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.


Leagueplacing graph

Hans Petter 4 years ago in Club 0

Show a graph of changes in league position through the season. Users can configure if they want it to be shown by matchdays or by weeks. (see example)

Image 1440


Соревнования на страницу клуба

Саша 2 years ago in Club 0

Андрей, здравствуйте! Спасибо за обновления.

Хотел бы предложить добавить на страницу клуба соревнования, в которых он участвует в нынешнем и прошлых сезонах.

Image 5821

Визуализация не лучшая от меня, было бы здорово добавить название соревнования и логотип с возможность перейти по этим ссылкам.

С уважением, Александр


Competition stats for club

Hans Petter 4 years ago in Club 0

An overview with stats for a club in current competition, showing tablepos, points, matches played, avg points per match etc. See example:

Image 1446


Add leagues selector in player profile and team roster

Sevic 5 years ago in Club updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 5 years ago 4

For example, in one season a player can be played in different tournaments and in different teams.

And the club / team can be played in different competitions.


Show Club images (logo) on archive page

Netkinetic 3 months ago in Club updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 3 months ago 0

I have set up the club archive page to show images. However the images do not display. I checked your demo site and they do not display either. https://footballan.com/club/

Issue is also happening with other archive pages


Club Match Comparison

chicky365 11 months ago in Club updated 11 months ago 2

It would be really useful to see a club comparison for matches played against other teams, across multiple seasons.

For example, when going to the Liverpool club page, you could see Liverpools match records against other English clubs, with a summary of total wins/draws and losses for all time. It should also be split by competition so you can see league results and cup results. Over time, this would build up a history of a clubs record against other sides and a total of all their games played - plus it would give an insight for upcoming matches between the two sides.. 


National Team Selection

Mahmoud Ayoub 1 year ago in Club updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 1 year ago 1


how to add or select national teams to add them for the players ?

i always find the drop down list for the national team when adding a new player is empty and i cant add a national team 

Under review

Add Country and League Filters for Clubs in WP Admin

Frank S 1 year ago in Club updated 1 year ago 2

Hi Andrei, as a lot of Team Names are incorrect or with wrong "Big/Small" letters even with missing letters. WOuld be very helpful to add Country and League Filter to wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=anwp_club




suggestion for improvement

Littlenoxy 2 years ago in Club 0

Thank you very much for the great plugin. This plugin is already better than all the others. I am happy to support you!

Now for my suggestion.

Would it be possible to insert the jerseys of the season somehow? Best as shown in the picture.

Thanks very much. And please continue with this project for a very long time. good job

Image 4871


Distintas categorías en un club

Roberto Luis Mauro 2 years ago in Club updated by Alfonso Cobo 2 years ago 1

Hola, alguien sabe como se puede separar las categorías en un club pero en la misma temporada?

Por ejemplo: Un Club tiene (Cat. Femenina Sub 20, Cat. Masculina Sub 19, Primera División, etc.), cuando entro al perfil del club y selecciono la TEMPORADA, me aparecen todos los jugadores de ese club en esa temporada, independientemente de la categoría, mezclados masculinos y femeninos, etc.

La única forma de separarlos es que cree un nombre diferente para cada categoría dentro del mismo club, algo incómodo. Por ejemplo: "Barcelona Fem Sub20, Barcelona Masc Sub 19, Barcelona 1ra Div, etc."

Aguien tiene un tutorial para esto?

Muchas gracias a todos!!!