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Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.


Changing the season causes a change of media (player photo, team photo, club logo)

burylu3 2 years ago in Settings 0
Is it possible to introduce into the application the possibility that the change of the season causes a change of media (player photo, team photo, club logo)?

Estadísticas de tarjetas para árbitros

Roberto Luis Mauro 2 years ago in Shortcodes 0

Podría agregarse un código para que muestre los árbitros en formato de tabla, como sucede con los jugadores? Donde en cada árbitro se pueda visualizar cuántas partidos lleva, cuántas tarjetas amarillas, cuantas dobles amarillas y cuántas tarjeta rojas.

Ejemplo de como se ve en la página un perfil.

Image 4983

Tener la posibilidad de que se pueda ver como en la siguiente imágen.

Image 4984

En los cuadros rojos, serían las estadísticas más relevantes a registrar.

Puede ser código corto o widget.

Espero se entienda la solicitud.



suggestion for improvement

Littlenoxy 2 years ago in Club 0

Thank you very much for the great plugin. This plugin is already better than all the others. I am happy to support you!

Now for my suggestion.

Would it be possible to insert the jerseys of the season somehow? Best as shown in the picture.

Thanks very much. And please continue with this project for a very long time. good job

Image 4871


Aditional time in LIVE matches

Hans Petter 2 years ago in LIVE 0

When reaching 45 og 90, let the match-clock continue to count with aditional time (ex 45 +1)


New statuses to Live matches

Hans Petter 2 years ago in LIVE updated 2 years ago 1

Want possibility to add statuses as 1st Extratime pause to Live-match statuses. At the moment the match-clock just continues after 115 minutes, even though teams switch sides and match restarts.


Distintas categorías en un club

Roberto Luis Mauro 2 years ago in Club updated by Alfonso Cobo 2 years ago 1

Hola, alguien sabe como se puede separar las categorías en un club pero en la misma temporada?

Por ejemplo: Un Club tiene (Cat. Femenina Sub 20, Cat. Masculina Sub 19, Primera División, etc.), cuando entro al perfil del club y selecciono la TEMPORADA, me aparecen todos los jugadores de ese club en esa temporada, independientemente de la categoría, mezclados masculinos y femeninos, etc.

La única forma de separarlos es que cree un nombre diferente para cada categoría dentro del mismo club, algo incómodo. Por ejemplo: "Barcelona Fem Sub20, Barcelona Masc Sub 19, Barcelona 1ra Div, etc."

Aguien tiene un tutorial para esto?

Muchas gracias a todos!!!

Under review

Previously postponed matches to play today does not show by AnWP at all!

Edwin Dee 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 2

Arsenal vs Liverpool play today 20 Jan 2022, but it was previously scheduelled for an earlier date and was postponed. Today, AnWP plugin does not show it on the website. There is no trace of this match ( and even Barcelona match today which was postponed earlier) on the website. I checked with the API data with a call and both matches are listed to play today, but this is not reflected in AnWP.... Please fix this, as there always postponed matches which will be played later.


Default team squad at the Club Page

Jakub 2 years ago in LIVE 0

It would be nice to have like a default First team and the bench players chosen at the club page, and this team squad could be used by default for every game, so for the game u could just make some corrections instead of putting all in the squad for every game.


Edit Standing Tables Settings

Frank S 2 years ago in Standing 0

Maybe it is better to implement the "Standing Table Colors" and "Notes" Section into the "Standing Table" Section like on the Screenshot. Colors maybe with Dropdown or in best case with HEX Number.

Image 4324