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Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.


Icons for Statistics

BuddyHoli 5 years ago in Match updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 5 years ago 1

Your stats look awesome with Progress bars. But if you place an Icon of the statistic (for example a red Card, a Goal, a Corner, a foul) between the bars, the visual experience would be a lot better.


Possible to automatically add players to the formations using api?

Suprim 5 years ago in Match updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 4 years ago 1


Using club abbreviation in Standing Tables

scefl 5 years ago in Standing updated 5 years ago 5

Hi, When viewing standing tables on a mobile, if the team has a long name it makes the table look wrong. Is there a way of making Standing Tables use the 'abbreviation' name instead? I know I could shorten the Club name on their Directory but that then makes that incorrect. Ideally the Directory would have the Full name and the tables have the abbreviation name.


Import data from "api-football.com"

Andrei S. (Developer) 5 years ago in Import API updated 5 years ago 2

Existing API's have some cons. Let's try a new one.


Option to change Match commentary order

Andrei S. (Developer) 5 years ago in Match updated 4 years ago 2

User Role: Club Captain advanced options

Sebastian J. 5 years ago in User Roles updated 5 years ago 4


it would be nice if you as an admin would get a message that a club captain has made an entry.

Or that this game is specially marked in the admin overview.


Sub-Categories for Leagues / Advanced use of Countries

Sebastian J. 5 years ago in Competition updated 5 years ago 3

It might be nice to also have subcategories in the leagues.


So you could create leagues for different areas and then would have a better overview.

As an an example:

Playstation 4

-> 1st League


-> 1st League

-> FUT 1on1 league

Now, for a better overview, the leagues always have to be labeled 1st League PS4

Excuse my english but i hope you understand what i mean.

Not a bug

Issue with Competition Section Tabs not Updating Properly

rida azyaiz 6 days ago in Shortcodes updated 5 days ago 3

I have encountered a problem with the tabs preceding the tab section, such as "Classement" and "Transfer". When I attempt to switch between these tabs, the content does not update as expected. This issue started occurring after the latest update of the plugin.

Could you please investigate this matter and provide a solution? It is essential for our workflow that this functionality operates correctly.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response and resolution.

Best regards,


Статистику посещаемости, по турам, по сезонам?

Bora 2 weeks ago in Stadium 0

Image 8995

Здравствуйте Андрей. Можно сделать шорткод статистику посещаемости, по турам, по сезонам?

Under review

Отзаявленных игроков (Покинул клуб)

Bora 2 weeks ago in Club updated 2 weeks ago 2

Здравствуйте Андрей. Пожалуйста сделайте состав отзаявленных игроков (Покинул клуб). очень нуждаюсь