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Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.


Where can I put license key?

Marcelo Herondino Cardoso 2 months ago in Settings updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 months ago 2

Sorry for the basic question. I was using the free version of the plugin. So, I bought the PRO version, uninstalled the free version and installed the PRO, but I don't know where I can enter the license key.



Búsqueda de jugadores por fecha de nacimiento

Roberto Luis Mauro 2 months ago in Player 0

Buenos días Andrei, por favor verificar la posibilidad que los seguidores de la web, busquen un jugador o técnico por fecha de nacimiento o rango de fechas. Por ejemplo, si quieren encontrar algún jugador categoría 1/6/2006, si hay alguna forma de mostrar a todos los que sean de esa fecha o año.
Sería algo como un calendario y cuando un usuario selecciona una fecha, aparecen los que cumplen año en esa fecha.

Under review

Calendar slider - Shows only one competition

Mirek 2 months ago in Shortcodes updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 months ago 1

Hi i added SHORTCODE like this
[anwpfl-calendar-slider competition_id="628817,644472" filter_by_clubs="" group_by_competition="0" competition_country="" show_day_of_week="1" day_leading_zero="1" month_text="short" no_data_text="No games on this date" calendar_size="" competition_title="" centered="0" day_width=""]

Which was created with the shortcode builder. But calendar shows only games from the first competition_id not both.


Top Scorer

silral 2 months ago in Player updated 2 months ago 0

When scoring scorer points, a player's goals and assists are added together. Would something like this be implemented?

Will be answered

Прошу помощи

Bora 2 months ago updated 2 months ago 4

Здравствуйте Андреи. Помогите пожалуйста. после смены темы фото игроков в растановке,

вышло такая проблема, одни большие одни маленькие 

Image 8449


League standing for one club

Romano1998 3 months ago in Standing updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 months ago 1

How do I solve the problem that I have a complete league table, but only enter the results of my team?
So without entering the entire game plan.

melhorias no fluxo de editar equipe

123facilga 3 months ago in User Roles 0

Crie uma caixa de seleção na área do editor de clube para quem pode editar esta página, facilitando ao administrador do time a edição dos dados e no campo adicionar jogador insira um atalho para o administrador cadastrar seus jogadores


I keep having this error Request failed with status code 503

Joana Swan 3 months ago in Import API updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 3 months ago 1

hello can someone help me with this error Request failed with status code 503


Short code for Predictions

Netkinetic 3 months ago in Shortcodes updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 3 months ago 1

Is there a shortcode for Predictions?


Feature request: Detailed player data (shots, passes etc.) on Player Page

Danny 4 months ago in Player 0
One more feature request from my side:

Right now you can only add the 'basic' player statistics to a player page (appearances, goals, assists, cards etc.)

Just as you can see in this screenshot for example:

Image 8091

What would be perfect is the option of also adding the player's detailed statistics over a whole season.

At the moment you can export such statistics on the page for a single match, just like here:

Image 8092

It would be perfect if these extended stats could also be added to the player's page, just like it's possible with the 'basic' stats.

Also here it'd be ideal if the extended data is available per season, as this makes more sense than over his entire career.

And the addon to this idea:

Widgets to use on the competition pages - for example "Top-10 players regarding shots on goal", "Top-10 dribblers" etc. - and of course "Top ratings" for each season of a league.