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competion link on calendar slider

almanacco 2 years ago updated by Mr. Gedanggoreng 2 years ago 1

Is it possible to make the title of each competition shown in the calendar slider a link to the competition page?

Image 4224


Include "Match Goals" prediction in the prediction import/section for api-football

Edwin Dee 2 years ago in Import API 0

Currently only match result prediction is being imported/shown in the calender slider. Match goals (not team goals) are very good prediction as well, if you could import it as well so that it can be shown in a second row below the main prediction in, for example, calender slider...


Work tag

GaspareNet 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 2


I make this proposal. You could add a "work" tag,

or you could make a post, even without comments, with the list of functions you work on.

So we know what features you are working on before the new version comes out


LIVE match Events from API and Commentary from local editor.

Alfonso Cobo 3 years ago in LIVE updated 3 years ago 0
It would be convenient to be able to obtain LIVE match events from the API, and complement them with Comments added by local journalists, since the API does not provide them.

In the current situation, if a comment is added and the use of the API is activated, every time the API events are updated, the comments are removed.

Without this possibility, the design of a sports information page with the support of journalists is limited.

LiveScore Table (Standings)

nick tsiantakis 3 years ago in Standing 0


Is it possible we have live score table?(Standings)

thanks Nick


Tabs for 1 week of matches ..

salzoabi 3 years ago in Match updated 3 years ago 3

I was able to make 7 tabs for 1 week of matches using shortcodes. The shortcode was brilliant, dynamic and flexible. The problem is with tabs, I tried all methods to change tab names to date, but I failed.

for example  [ Dec 1 - Dec 2 - Dec 3 - Dec 4 - Dec 5 - Dec 6 - Dec 7 ] .. where Dec 4 is the active tab, which is the current day. Tomorrow, Dec 5 will be the active tab, and dates shift to [Dec 2 - Dec 3 - Dec 4 - Dec 5 - Dec 6 - Dec 7 - Dec 8].

I think this is an easy task to do, but I have no knowledge on how to accomplish this on wordpress.


Manual prediction - field

Hans Petter 4 years ago in Match updated by lefaek 3 years ago 2

Is it possible to add a field on matches where it is possible to manually add percentage of an outcome for a match (Home - draw and away). Then it can be shown as a graph in the matchreport. Also possibility to add field for odds as well.


Game cancelled

info 4 years ago in Match updated 4 years ago 0

Is it possible to add in the "matches"" the function "Game Cancelled"? And than also visible in the list of matches?


Club statistics

almanacco 4 years ago in Club 0
Hi, it's possible, as it happens for player statistics, to have a total ranking of club statistics such as total games played, total goals scored, total conceded goals and so on. and also to be able to have this data also divided for each single competition played by the team?