
Add HTML to match through API

Daniel Rodriguez 1 year ago in Match updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 1 year ago 4


I want to add a custom HTML code to each match through API, for example using Zapier or Make. However, I can not find a way to edit the match through the Wordpress API. Could you please help us?

Best Regards,


Searching answer


You can try to save custom content using WordPress "custom post meta" such as Game Summary or Game Custom Code (premium version)

Below are meta keys:




Best Regards

Andrei S.

Hello Andrei, thanks for your answer.

The problem is that in WP Rest API only appears the custom post meta of "Competitions" and "Clubs". It doesn't appear the custom post meta of "matches". Could you please check how we can register the post type "matches" on your plugin, so we can find it on WP Rest API?

Best Regards,
