
Background Color for categories is not applied in Sliders

Alex B 4 years ago updated 3 years ago 8

Hi Andrei,

I'm currently using your plugin and am very happy with it.

Unfortunately there is a bug regarding the background color for categories.

I've selected a new color but nothing changed (see attached screenshot below).

This does not happen for normal grids but in the other kind of elements.

I am looking forward for a fix. Keep on going the good work. :)

Kind regards


The screenshot show the behaviour. While the section "Videos/Trailer" is working for the background color, the other section "Reviews" is still displayed with its default color. I've tried it with different browsers and tried to change other settings but nothing worked so far.

Image 2222

Under review

You have to change this color in another place ("Styles and Layouts" >> "Category Background Color")

Thanks for the fast reply.

Sorry I've attached the wrong screenshot my bad....

Here is the right one - I'm still getting the problem:

I couldn't reproduce this error. Can you send me a link to this page.

Sure it's https://playwave.de/

Just scroll down till the "Review" section. 


This bug will be fixed in the next release. I will publish it approximately in a week.


Sounds great thanks for taking action so fast :)

Can confirm it works now - thank you very much :)