Welcome to Football Leagues Plugin Community

Join our community to ask questions , submit an idea , vote for the features you like or report a bug  

Rules in short:
Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.


Player Roles in the WP

GaspareNet 8 months ago in Player 0

Is it possible to have player role letters translated into the language of the site? see image

Image 7441

These should be the letters set in /Football leagues/setting/text string

Image 7443


Transfer list, player date.

GaspareNet 8 months ago in Player 0

Image 7440

Is it possible to change the format of the player's date of birth in the transfer list?
Or put the number of years

It would be nice to be able to choose the date format in the general settings

see attachments

Not a bug

Player stats duplicated

buryfcmedia 9 months ago in Player updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 9 months ago 2

Image 7333

Can anyone help? PLayer stats are duplicating on all player pages

Searching answer

Player info duplicate

Mohashin Hossen 1 year ago in Player updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 1 year ago 1

when i added a players info it automatically duplicated. 

Image 6392


how to translate the players names please

alex54 1 year ago in Player updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 1 year ago 3

how to translate the players names please


Player infos - more information (first names, surnames)

burylu3 1 year ago in Player 0

Please add a new field for first names and surnames. Spanish or Portuguese players generally use nicknames but I'd like show in player info also full information about firstnames and surnames. Now I use dynamic custom fields but these informations are located not directly between short name and full name. Will be nice when those details will not be located at areas for dynamic custom fields

Image 6023


player zero goals

Giuseppe Arpi 2 years ago in Player updated 2 years ago 2

Is it possible to remove players who have zero goals from the scorer table?

Image 5814


Wrong Players Scorers Table

Alessandro Morrone 2 years ago in Player updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 years ago 11

Hi to anyone,
after two league matches update now my scorers table shows me only one and zero scorers from two teams.

Image 4308

Leagues has got 20 teams (round robin).

  • Plugin Version: AnWP Football Leagues 0.13.5
  • WordPress version: 5.8.2
  • Server Time: UTC
  • WP Time: Europe/Rome
  • Current Date: 2021-12-14
  • Site Locale: it_IT
  • Plugin DB version: 15
  • Statistic records: (matches/stats - 112/112)
  • PHP version: 7.4.24
  • Attiva plugin:
    --- redux-framework
    --- all-in-one-seo-pack
    --- all-in-one-video-gallery
    --- blog2social
    --- classic-editor
    --- cmb2
    --- coming-soon-maintenance-mode-from-acurax
    --- contact-form-7
    --- download-manager
    --- duplicate-page
    --- easy-wp-smtp
    --- enhanced-media-library
    --- football-leagues-by-anwppro
    --- gdlr-shortcode
    --- goodlayers-soccer
    --- google-site-kit
    --- insta-gallery
    --- jetpack
    --- photo-gallery
    --- quick-pagepost-redirect-plugin
    --- quotes-collection
    --- recent-posts-widget-with-thumbnails
    --- responsive-menu-pro
    --- simple-icons
    --- svg-vector-icon-plugin
    --- taxonomy-terms-order
    --- tinymce-advanced
    --- uk-cookie-consent
    --- updraftplus
    --- wordapp
    --- wp-cerber
    --- wp-file-manager
    --- wp-google-maps
    --- wp-poll
    --- wp-statistics
    --- wptelegram
  • Elenco delle tabelle del DB:
    cerber_acl, cerber_blocks, cerber_countries, cerber_lab, cerber_lab_ip, cerber_lab_net, cerber_log, cerber_qmem, cerber_traffic, wp265_actionscheduler_actions, wp265_actionscheduler_claims, wp265_actionscheduler_groups, wp265_actionscheduler_logs, wp265_ahm_assets, wp265_ahm_asset_links, wp265_ahm_download_stats, wp265_ahm_emails, wp265_ahm_sessions, wp265_ahm_social_conns, wp265_ahm_user_download_counts, wp265_aioseo_cache, wp265_aioseo_notifications, wp265_aioseo_posts, wp265_androapp_stats, wp265_anwpfl_matches, wp265_anwpfl_missing_players, wp265_anwpfl_players, wp265_b2s_posts, wp265_b2s_posts_drafts, wp265_b2s_posts_favorites, wp265_b2s_posts_network_details, wp265_b2s_posts_sched_details, wp265_b2s_user, wp265_b2s_user_contact, wp265_b2s_user_network_settings, wp265_bwg_album, wp265_bwg_album_gallery, wp265_bwg_file_paths, wp265_bwg_gallery, wp265_bwg_image, wp265_bwg_image_comment, wp265_bwg_image_rate, wp265_bwg_image_tag, wp265_bwg_shortcode, wp265_bwg_theme, wp265_cerber_files, wp265_cerber_sets, wp265_cerber_uss, wp265_chaty_contact_form_leads, wp265_commentmeta, wp265_comments, wp265_enjoy_instagram_hashtags, wp265_enjoy_instagram_media, wp265_gs_logo_slider, wp265_huge_it_videogallery_galleries, wp265_huge_it_videogallery_videos, wp265_hurrytimer_evergreen, wp265_joomsport_box_fields, wp265_joomsport_box_match, wp265_joomsport_config, wp265_joomsport_events, wp265_joomsport_events_depending, wp265_joomsport_extra_fields, wp265_joomsport_extra_select, wp265_joomsport_groups, wp265_joomsport_maps, wp265_joomsport_match_events, wp265_joomsport_match_statuses, wp265_joomsport_playerlist, wp265_joomsport_seasons, wp265_joomsport_season_table, wp265_joomsport_squad, wp265_links, wp265_lsd_data, wp265_masterslider_options, wp265_masterslider_sliders, wp265_mts_locker_stats, wp265_nextend2_image_storage, wp265_nextend2_section_storage, wp265_nextend2_smartslider3_generators, wp265_nextend2_smartslider3_sliders, wp265_nextend2_smartslider3_sliders_xref, wp265_nextend2_smartslider3_slides, wp265_opanda_leads, wp265_opanda_leads_fields, wp265_opanda_stats_v2, wp265_options, wp265_page_visit, wp265_page_visit_history, wp265_pollsa, wp265_pollsip, wp265_pollsq, wp265_postmeta, wp265_posts, wp265_pw_gcmusers, wp265_quotescollection, wp265_rcsm_subscribers, wp265_responsive_menu, wp265_responsive_menu_pro, wp265_rich_web_video_slider_effects_data, wp265_rich_web_video_slider_font_family, wp265_rich_web_video_slider_id, wp265_rich_web_video_slider_manager, wp265_rich_web_video_slider_videos, wp265_rich_web_vs_effect_1, wp265_rich_web_vs_effect_10, wp265_rich_web_vs_effect_2, wp265_rich_web_vs_effect_3, wp265_rich_web_vs_effect_4, wp265_rich_web_vs_effect_5, wp265_rich_web_vs_effect_6, wp265_rich_web_vs_effect_7, wp265_rich_web_vs_effect_8, wp265_rich_web_vs_effect_9, wp265_sbi_instagram_feeds_posts, wp265_sbi_instagram_posts, wp265_scroll_news, wp265_statistics_exclusions, wp265_statistics_historical, wp265_statistics_pages, wp265_statistics_search, wp265_statistics_useronline, wp265_statistics_visit, wp265_statistics_visitor, wp265_statistics_visitor_relationships, wp265_termmeta, wp265_terms, wp265_term_relationships, wp265_term_taxonomy, wp265_usermeta, wp265_users, wp265_wdi_feeds, wp265_wdi_themes, wp265_wd_fb_data, wp265_wd_fb_info, wp265_wd_fb_option, wp265_wd_fb_shortcode, wp265_wd_fb_theme, wp265_wfblockediplog, wp265_wfblocks7, wp265_wfconfig, wp265_wfcrawlers, wp265_wffilechanges, wp265_wffilemods, wp265_wfhits, wp265_wfhoover, wp265_wfissues, wp265_wfknownfilelist, wp265_wflivetraffichuman, wp265_wflocs, wp265_wflogins, wp265_wfls_2fa_secrets, wp265_wfls_settings, wp265_wfnotifications, wp265_wfpendingissues, wp265_wfreversecache, wp265_wfsnipcache, wp265_wfstatus, wp265_wftrafficrates, wp265_wonderplugin_slider, wp265_wpfm_backup, wp265_wpgmza, wp265_wpgmza_categories, wp265_wpgmza_category_maps, wp265_wpgmza_circles, wp265_wpgmza_maps, wp265_wpgmza_polygon, wp265_wpgmza_polylines, wp265_wpgmza_rectangles, wp265_wpum_fieldmeta, wp265_wpum_fields, wp265_wpum_fieldsgroups, wp265_wpum_registration_formmeta, wp265_wpum_registration_forms, wp265_wpum_search_fields
  • ============================================

How I Can understand what's going on?



Dean Sawyer 2 years ago in Player updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 2 years ago 1

Hi, I am setting up a Scorers leaderboard and would like to include results from 2 different competitions combined. Currently I only see a way of doing it from 1 competition or all competitions. 

I am trying to do from the current League Season and League Cup, but not other cups.

Is there a way of doing this?


Player disqualification

Calcio Asi 2 years ago in Player 0

Is it possible to show if a player is sent off after two yellow cards? How can I do? I need to add player disqualification. Thanks