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Ask questions politely. Respect other people and their opinions. Be courteous and respectful. No spam or advertising. All inappropriate posts will be removed.


Change league nation

Bas Jansen van Rosendaal 8 months ago updated 8 months ago 2

Hi everyone

is it possible to change the league nation because i clicked the wrong nation? sop now you see the dutch flag in the serie a :/


Match Results In Multistage

Bas Jansen van Rosendaal 8 months ago in Competition updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 8 months ago 4


i have a problem i created matches results which have already been played but they dont show up in my competition see images.

Image 7532

Image 7533

big timezone in header

Bas Jansen van Rosendaal 8 months ago updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 8 months ago 6

Hey everyone im following the instruction to setup kadence theme from scratch and now came upon this problem the box to change the timezone in the header is very big and want it lot smaller how can i change that? see image

Image 7526

Will be answered

Hiow to get all tthe transfers data

Mirek 8 months ago in Player updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 8 months ago 3

Hi i have player  J.Madingu (J.Madingu (sporten.com)) as you can see I have only few transfers. But on the side Exauce Madingu - Player profile 2023 | Transfermarkt we have much more. 
To get all transfers should I import all the leagues. ?

Under review

Transfere shortcodes not working

Mirek 8 months ago in Shortcodes updated by Andrei S. (Developer) 8 months ago 1

Hi I did the shortcode 

[anwpfl-transfers season_id="12" club_id="" competition_id="" window="mid" player_id="149933" date_from="" date_to="" layout="player" type="" limit="0" order="asc"]
season_id="12" == 2023 not 2022-2023
player_id="149933" == J.Madingu (sporten.com)

As you can see the transfers are awailabe but shortcode not working.


Matchweek error

GaspareNet 8 months ago in Match 0

I created a new site

I entered the games for this season 2023/24

I also entered some data from the 2010/11 season

In the screenshot the first game of the season.

There should NOT be matchweeks of games from seasons other than the one of the game

Image 7475


FL Teams, the logo is not displayed

GaspareNet 8 months ago in Widgets 0

I used the fl/teams widget on a page, set the competition and chose small logo.

On my site I still have not entered the logos of the teams (over 600)

Why is the empty_logo.jpg not displayed as it is in e.g. the match list?

Is it possible to have a third option "default logo"?

Image 7471

Image 7472


Add players to squad

burkezg 8 months ago in Player updated 8 months ago 2

Is there a faster way to add players to squad? If I have 200 players I need to click each player. And I have more than 100 clubs so I can click 5 days only to add players....


Cache plugin has a conflict.

Mirek 8 months ago in Match updated 8 months ago 4

Hi, I'm using LiteSpeed Cache on my website. We have noticed a problem with generating the match template.
Matches that are live, when they change to the 'finished' status, cannot be generated by WordPress. When you try to open a recently finished match, you will notice that the page jumps as if it's having trouble loading data into the template.
When i clear the cache the problem is done the template is generaiting with no trouble.


Player Roles in the WP

GaspareNet 8 months ago in Player 0

Is it possible to have player role letters translated into the language of the site? see image

Image 7441

These should be the letters set in /Football leagues/setting/text string

Image 7443